FHSF Connectivity

Connectivity Strategy for the Trowbridge Future High Street Fund

Stage 2 of our work for the FHSF Public Realm element was to develop a Connectivity Strategy.

To start, we wanted to listen to people on the street to understand how they move from A to B. Working with engagement consultants Play:Disrupt, we took 3 stalls at the local town centre market and asked people to talk, point, and most importantly DRAW!

We had people identify their personal hidden gems and landmarks, mark their routes through the town, and asked them to think about money to get a sense of what they thought might represent good-value spend. We were delighted to see so much participation from younger people who are often unheard in the discussion of placeshaping.

As part of this stage we also invited the Town Council and Civic Society to our urban room to participate in a more structured co-design session to explore what sort of hierarchy they would place on investment into town centre features.